ArtCube Nation

Sarah Caye

Mar 14, 2024 05:35

ISO of Colorful Seamless Paper – Free or Cheap

New York City ISO
1 1

ISO Details

ISO Category:
Construction + Materials, Production Supplies

What I'm looking for:

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Axxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx xxxx xxxxxxxx xx xxx xxx xx?ISO xx Sxxxxxxx Pxxxx - Axx xxxxx - Axx Cxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx, xxxxx xxx xxxx. Fxx xx Exxxxx xxxxx. Wxxx xxxx xx. Txxxx xxx!

Where I looked:

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xxxxxxx xxx x xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx. 

One Response

  1. Hello! I also sent you a direct reply. I have several rolls of Savage Widetone seamless paper in various colors, almost all in pastel Eastery tones! I have two shades of blue, two shades of pink, yellow, orange, purple, and cardboard color. Our office is in Long Island City, by Queens Plaza/Court Square. Feel free to email me if interested in any or all of them!

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