ArtCube Nation

Emily MacCloud

Jun 14, 2023 10:41

Urgent Re-sawing

New York City Advice
5 1

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Hx!I'x xxxxxxxxxx xx xx-xxx 2, 2 xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxx. Txx xxxxxx xxx xxxxx 10 xxxx xxxx, 11" xxxx, xxx I'x xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx x xxxxxxxx xxx xx xxx xxxxxxx. Ix xxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx, x xxx xx xxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxxx, xx xx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxx, I xxx xxx xxx xxx xxxx xxxx. Axx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx. Txxxx xxx!!

5 Responses

  1. hi! a Bandsaw is the correct tool, however the type of bandsaw and the blade is what matters. A re-saw blade is very wide, so that it stays straight and will not snap under load. If the band saw is 220 volt and you have a high fence (plywood attached to fence) and you have the right blade, then try putting a wedge between the two pieces as its cutting . This way the wood will not “bind” the blade.

    Hope this may help.

  2. Can you send a picture of your setup? What kind/size of blade are you using? 11″ of teak is a lot of super hard material to go through. You’ll certainly want a purchased or shop-made resaw fence that’s close to as tall as your piece. You’re going to want the widest blade your machine can fit, 3 or fewer teeth per inch, and most certainly a blade made for resawing. Make sure the blade tension isn’t too loose. The upper bearings should be set just above the height if the workpiece. Make sure the thrust bearing isn’t too far back behind the back if thr blade. Also send pictures of what one of the bad cuts looks like, there’s a few different things that could be going wrong and I might be able to advise based on more info.

  3. Drift is inevitable. You need a point fence.
    Something like this, although you can make one pretty easily

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